Àyàn Àgalú Is Drumming A New World

Tuesday 28 November 2017


1.Do you get ‘the Sunday-night dread’? If you do, then get out of your job. It is no coincidence that these Sunday-night-specific anxiety attacks come when they do. Your body is telling you it knows what’s going to happen on Monday and it isn’t happy about it. Headaches, tension in your muscles and migraines are all signs from your body that you’re in the wrong career.

Change your job or your kind of job or start a business. This is how I felt before I decided to quit my day job as an internal auditor so that I would be able to combine all the jobs that I love to do without a boss breathing down my neck. I enjoyed my work as an auditor but I hated being stuck in traffic everyday. I hated office politics and I hated the routine of my work. I wanted to have fun whilst working.

2.Basic Survival needs: So that you can pay your bills.

3.Grow without limits: Your salary is fixed but your income is not fixed.

4.Be able to do what you like: Now, I can combine my music and writing talents with my consulting talents under a single roof under Drumline Entertainment.

5.Be able to do your business how you like it: I am able to combine the creative and business side of my talents under the same business without anyone telling me that it should not be done this way.

6.Be able to do my business with who I like: No more office politics for me. I don’t like you, I fire you!

7.Being able to stand for my values: As a business owner, I am able to stand for my integrity values.

8.Creating a real job security: I can resign from my business but I cannot be fired.

9.Earn what I like: I fix my salary.

10.Flexible time: I can plan my time in a way that I will have time for my family and hobbies. I forgot! I no longer have hobbies. My hobbies are now my job; my career! 
11.Ability to support charitable organizations.                                                                                                                                            12.So that you can leave a legacy behind: "The time is always right to do what is always right to do what is right."- Martin Lurther King.           

13.You will become more developed as an individual: Like me, you will always be researching and learning new ideas that will move your business forward. 

14.Helping God’s course on planet earth: The Bible says that an idle hand is the devil’s workshop. You need to create employment and use your ideas to make the world a better place. 

Thomas Edison created the electric light bulb 
to make us see properly at night instead of 
using lantern and candles

Henry Ford made fantastic cars to help us 
with transportation. 

DJ Irawo makes the olden days talking drums
look appealing to the youths of today.

Make your business work for the good o
planet earth.

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