Àyàn Àgalú Is Drumming A New World

Sunday 29 October 2017


Ruth Bircham and Olufemi Ali

The case of a Jamaican born British erotic artist, Ruth Bircham, who was raped by a Nigerian, Mr. Olufemi Ali, in London has taken a new dimension as the London Metropolitan Police discharges the offender without charging him to court, even after the culprit had in the process of investigation openly admitted to the police that he committed the offence. 

During a chat with Bulkybon Periscopes, the rape victim said that the police said that they did not charge the rapist to court, because after the crime was committed, she had sent a whatsapp message to ask the rapist why he did what he did to her.

According to Bircham, 
The Councillor asked me why I contacted the rapist after he had committed the crime.  I told her that the rapist was my social media friend before he raped me. I was terribly shaken by his evil action and wanted to know why he did what he did to me.  

“It is shocking to be raped by someone you least expected to harm you, that was why I called to ask why he took advantage of my ill health to rape me. Rape does not come with a manual to say this is what they will do and what they will not do to you. When the culprits come to you in any form as friends or complete strangers. And the Councilor agreed with my reasoning.

However, Bircham wonders why the UK police victimize victims of rape by treating them like criminals while treating rapists as saints. 
She says she does not need to prove that she is a victim of rape if the police had done their job well from the onset after she reported the case. Instead, she has been victimized by the police, either because she is not a white woman or the rapist had bought them over. 

Reiterating how her case has been badly treated by the police, she offers that, 
I am not a solicitor. I am an artist who has been raped and treated unfairly by the police and the UK justice system. 
My main focus is my art, family, friends and fans and nothing else.  I don't give a shit about the UK and their lies, perjury, bullshit and racist fucking laws that incriminate or victimize black people that are victims of crimes. 
All I know is that in between what I am doing with my art, I am letting the world know that what the UK police have done to me is wrong for not charging the rapist to court after he has admitted to committing the crime. It shows that the police have compromised. 

This type of rubbish must never be allowed to happen to another victim with a repeat of the police and racist justice system, sweeping it under the carpet.

In a civilized society as the UK claims to be, all rape and sexual assault cases should be tried in the courts of England, in front of a judge and 12 juries. 
It is not the duty of police to discharge a serious crime of rape after it has been reported to them. In truly honest and non-racial climes, all rape victims are usually assigned with a solicitor, a counsellor and a forensic hospital doctor that does not shy away from examining the victim’s cervix to collect evidence to prove the crime. 
Based on the information given by the lively erotic artist, these were not done in her own rape case. 

At no time at all should ordinary inexperienced and biased police personnel be included in investigating any rape case. Special detectives are the persons that ought to handle such criminal cases of rape by collecting evidence from the victim, while a counsellor is assigned to the victim and works alongside solicitors for the victim and forensic doctors. 

From the look of things, Bircham’s rape case was tried and discharged by the suspiciously dubious London Metropolitan police. 
Instead of charging the rapist to court even after he had admitted to committing the crime, according to information shared by the victim, he has been set free! 
All rape cases should be tried in the law courts not at any police station. Victims should be given every support by listening to them and made to feel that they are being protected and not selectively intimidated and victimized based on their racial diversity or skin complexion. 

In this wise, the erotic artist posits that “UK law system should give better treatment and protection to rape victims irrespective of their ancestral background, instead of victimizing them because they are not white.  
A rapist must be treated as a rapist until the court says otherwise.  It is not the duty of police to determine the fate of any criminal.”

Basic common sense was enough to have made the London police know that all dangerous criminals like rapists should be held in prison until the date of their cases with solicitors. These are some of the conditions that the UK legal system should put in place for rapists. 

In Bircham’s very candid view, she emphasizes that “I have been treated as if I am a criminal who had committed a crime for reporting a rapist to the police. 
My mistake was that I reported that I was raped by Olufemi Ali on the 24th June 2017. Apart from hanging on why I called the rapist to ask him his reason for raping me, as one of the dubious reasons for setting him free, the police discharged my case by conspiratorially using an inadmissible un-amended statement without the knowledge of my contact witness who is my friend.  

“My friend (witness) told the police on phone that she felt that she had written something wrong in her statement. The officer, Det LP, told her that she could amend any error in her statement when she comes back from a trip she made outside the UK that period.  
My friend left the UK on the 20th of July 2017. Yet, the discharge letter that sets the rapist free was also written on the 20th of July 2017 and sent out to me by PC CA after I received a call from PC CA. My friend’s right to correct the error she made was denied her.  

“She says that there is something more to the hasty discharge of the case that meets the eye. I also strongly reason along that line; otherwise, why did they discharge and acquit the rapist without waiting for the amendment of the witness’s statement? 
When my friend came back to the UK, she wrote to Det LP asking her why she had used her un-amended statement as one of the reasons to discharge the case. Afterwards, my friend got a phone call from PC AW. He told my friend to withdraw her statement but she insisted that she will not withdraw her statement because she knows her rights. 

“But out of the blues, the PC CA then told my friend that they never quoted any part of her un-amended statement in the discharge letter. But my friend countered the PC CA by pointing out his lies, by telling him that she had seen the discharged letter and has read sections of her un-amended statement quoted in the discharge letter sent out to her friend  (me). 

“By this time I had already drawn the attention of my Councillor, MP, the Mayor of London and the high police commissioner D, to the issue. 
Suddenly, I received a letter from the DPS saying that they had received a letter from me, when I did not write any letter to the DPS or to the IPPC. 

“The dubious letter showed a chart of the PC AW implicating himself in the letter. But I had told this policeman that I would write my own letter to the DPS when I was ready. He criminally went ahead and wrote a letter without my knowledge to the IPPC and implicated himself and DET LP by impersonating me through the fake letter he wrote. 

From the foregoing, Bircham has released the can of worms of the London Metropolitan Police that handled her rape case. This calls the integrity of the London Police to question, as far as her rape case is concerned. 

Pinpointing the criminality of impersonation by the police, Bircham says “PC AW robbed me of my right to write a letter to the IPPC by impersonating me. I suspect he committed that criminal offence with the hope that they won't touch on the facts that he had committed perjury on the discharge letter by using un-amended document to discharge my case.” 
The reason behind the perjury and impersonation could clearly be attributed to the police grand plan of denying the rape victim an opportunity to get her case reviewed as every rape victim has the right for her case to be reviewed.  

“The police perjury is further more horrible for depending on an un-amended witness statement and the digital media whereby I had written to Olufemi Ali (whose current name on facebook is Alifem Alifem) asking him why he raped me, including the text message with which I sent him my address before he raped me and also the content of my facebook chat where I had accused him of being bad, are pointers to the conspiracy used by the police to discharge my case by halting it from receiving a hearing at a law court for trial. 
It therefore blocks opportunity to put a dangerous rapist in prison and prevent him from further capitalizing on using the social media to hunt for other unsuspecting victims to rape. I believe some type of corruption took place between the police and the rapist. The police compromised.”

The highly celebrated British erotic artist with large followership on social media also said the police added insult to her injury because, “The PC CA insinuates that my artworks and my profession was the cause for the rape that happened to me as he said ‘men think with their dicks.’ (WTF! So, she should stop her art because of one asswipe that could not keep his filthy dick in control!)

It is very essential that all rape victims should be assigned forensic doctors who examine the cervix for proof of the crime, solicitors to defend their legal and human rights and counsellors to help them overcome the effects of the trauma. 
Unfortunately, none of these aforementioned experts is assigned to victims of rape in the U.K, which hypocritically prides itself as a kingdom of uprightness. Instead, rapists are given free of charge solicitors, while the victims of rape are not given such free legal service by the judicial system in the U.K. 
To make matters worse for victims of rape, it is very difficult or almost impossible for them to get a solicitor to defend their right even when the victims are ready to pay for legal services of solicitors. 
One begins to wonder why many solicitors reject the handling of the cases of rape victims in the U.K. This attitude further frustrates victims of rape, and it seems the entire society is against the victims while rapists are treated as kings of the land, parading freely to rape more females. It is insane!

It is a shame that the UK which promotes itself as a kingdom of morality could support a rapist to go free to keep committing his crime on other unsuspecting females while the victim is blamed for falling prey. 
What hypocrites the UK and its police have proven to be!
Source: and Ruth Bircham


Kerry Schultz said...

it is truly inspiring to see her standing tall despite all that she had to go through. what disgusts me is how could the police let the offender go even if he confessed. thank you for this post

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