Àyàn Àgalú Is Drumming A New World

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Female Artists' Platform

Theme: "Design is the personality of an idea"

This year's framework falls under the field of Design and women artists and designers are invited to submit proposals that explore the theme showing concepts from idea to realisation. 

How can you express an idea solely through material manipulation? What are the transformations produced?

Thematic axis subcategories to explore include but are not limited to;
- society
- community
- identity
- habitat
- body
- time

All entries should be sent as a 3 page PDF to with the subject titled: FAP_your surname_project title.

Page 1 - name, date of birth, email address, phone number, address, present location, occupation & brief bio)

Page 2 - Design concept (title, synopses, materials, dimensions)

Page 3 - Design visualisation

Terms of participation
All entries remain the intellectual property of the designer.

There is no entry fee.

All entries are automatically signed up to the AAF mailing list. 

Plagiarized work will be disqualified.

 Source: The African Artists' Foundation

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