Tuesday 28 January 2014

Should you be called an artist,artiste or a musician?

Last week, an argument ensued amongst four musician friends of mine.The bone of contention of all but one of them,was that an artiste should not be referred to as a musician if he could not play any musical instrument even if it is an agogo(gong). Two of them argued that the word,artist without an 'e',was the correct spelling for the musicians.I have come up with a best fit analysis.

My dictionary defines an artist as one who is skilled in or who makes a profession of any of the fine arts such as drawing, painting, sculpturing,etc.An artist could also be any professional public performer,as an actor,singer,etc.He is one who does anything particularly well.

An artiste is a professional dancer,singer,or entertainer. The word artiste with an 'e' originated from a French word.It was first used in 1823.

Thus,performers can be referred to as artists or artistes and those skilled in fine arts can only be regarded as artists,without an 'e'. No need to argue over who is a perfect grammarian any longer.

A musician on the other hand,is a person whose profession is to play musical instruments. He/she can also be defined as an artist/artiste who composes or conducts music as a profession. Also, other types of musicians are: singers, composers, songwriters, music conductors and recording artistes.
An instrumentalist is also a musician.An instrumentalist plays musical instruments.

Musicians write songs, sing and may play one or multiple musical instruments. They also take time practicing their musical ensembles to improve their skills and reduce errors during a performance. 

From my analysis,it should be clear to see that the word musician encompasses all.The voice can even be used to sound like musical instruments as in Jazz,scat singing.

It should be sufficient to say that :
(1)Artistes are also artists but artists are not artistes except they also perform.
(2)Concurrently,musicians are also artists or artistes, since musicians also sing.

Don't get it twisted,the bottom line is that the creative minds mentioned above should be the best at what they do and impact lives positively with their art.

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